Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reminders:  Concert tonight - be at school at 5:30 p.m.
                    Wear old clothes to work with cinnamon dough
Blogger of the day:  Jazlyn

today was are winter  concert  the 3 songs we sang were  cleen the  halls and mboo  santa mboo and lets hear it for mrs.claus and  evrey body was awsome

And the winner of today's spelling bee is......

Congratulations to our students of the month for their "DILIGENCE."

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011


Math p. 61 #2, 3, 4, 5
Read to someone

Buck a book sale
Dress rehearsal tomorrow, concert tomorrow night, be at school at 5:30 p.m.
Wear PJ's on Thursday
Potluck on Thursday

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

This morning, 3A had a chance to watch the school-wide spelling bee with participants from grades 4-8. Back in the classroom, we had our own spelling bee and below are the five finalists.  

Then there were 3...

 Then 2...

And the winner is...

 Students prepare for the teachers vs. students volleyball game.  The teachers won...of course!

Reminders:  Show mom and dad note about potluck lunch, Buck a book sale on Monday

Blogger of the day:  Madison

Today was volleyball and the Teachers won

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homework and Reminders:

Read to self
p. 58 #2, 3, 4
Black and Yellow Day tomorrow for the School Spelling Bee

Blogger of the day:    Jimmy

Today we got to play a spelling bee it was so much fun.  I felt kind of nervous because I did not know if Mrs. Allison would give easy or hard words.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Word work due tomorrow
Read to someone tonight
Use the word "elated" in a conversation


Tuesday, December 20 - Winter concert
Wednesday, December 21 - Baking with cinnamon dough - wear old clothes
Thursday, December 22 - potluck lunch and PJ day

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday, December 9, 2011

Math test tomorrow:

Review by doing these pages:  Show What You Know p. 271 #9-12
                                               Bake Sale, part I p. 272

Winter Concert is Tuesday, December 20.  Please be at school by 5:30 p.m.


The kids get really excited when visitors come to the classroom.  Here, an "alien" aka Mrs. RJ stops by to tell them some things about her planet.

Students from 4T stop by to share their anthology of writing that they have published this first term.  I think this visit inspired some of our 3A students to add to their writer's notebooks.   Our class will also be publishing anthologies in the new year.   Students are excited to be real authors!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Homework and reminders: 

math test on Wednesday
Word work due Thursday
Reader's response corrections for some kids (they know who they are)
Writer's notebook - if you have some time, add something to your writer's notebook

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Reminders:  Math test on Wednesday (money, kg, g, L, mL)

Blogger of the day:  Today we had 20 minutes doing what ever we wanted to after math.  We had a dance off girl vs boys we did it to Party Rocking In The House To Night the girls won! It was so much fun!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mass Worksheets
Math test on Wednesday (money, kg, g, L, mL)
Gym tomorrow

Blogger of the day:  Levi

I  especially liked wen we had music.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 2011 Newslettter

Dear Parents:

December is upon us and here is some news and reminders for the month.  It is a short month but still packed with activity.  As the 2011 year comes to an end, I wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season and a very Happy New Year!


Mrs. Allison

December Curriculum

Students will continue to respond to texts using the 3 R model (retell, relate, reflect).  This month the main focus will be making connections  and relating what students read to other texts, events in their own lives or world experiences.  Students are expected to:
1.   describe an event that occurs in their reading, 
2.   relate it to another event and describe the second event
3.   give an opinion about the two events

Word Work continues to be sent home each Monday and returned each Thursday.

Students are writing daily in their writer's notebooks.  We have been focusing on Procedural texts where students have to explain how to do something using the transition words first, after, then, next and finally.
In media, students will be practising typing skills and creating advertisements on the computer.

We will finish our Measurement Unit (mass, volume, capacity and temperature)
Start our Number Sense Unit (Patterns in Addition and Subtraction)

Our school focus this year is Math.  Students in 3A will have many opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers to problem solve this year.  The pictures below show the students creating their own learning and discussing strategies in teams.  Students are then given a chance to present their solutions to the class.  During this time, the "audience" has to keep track of the strategies that were used by the presenting team.  At the end, students do a gallery walk to see the different strategies used and the solutions are organized from least to most efficient.  It's a great day for learning at Talbot Trail!  

Dates to remember:

Tuesday, December 20 - Winter Concert at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 22 - last day of school
Potluck lunch and Drop Everything and Read afternoon
*please send one dish with your child (drinks for the class, main dish, salad, dessert, fruit, veggies)
*students may wear their pj's, bring in a snuggly toy and read for the last two periods of the day

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Math - Money worksheets
Social Studies End pages
Social Studies test signed
Reading Response - Something Beautiful paragraph

Blogger of the Day:  Simran

math   was    fun   today!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Homework: Math p. 253 #1, 2, 3
Blogger of the day: Jimmy
Today we learned how to get change when you pay extra money it was so fun.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Word work
Published copy of Harris Burdick
Math quiz and Extra practise signed

Pizza Party tomorrow
Food day orders

Student of the Month and Jersey Day

Congratulations to our students of the month.   The theme was respect and we are so lucky to have such kind and respectful students in 3A.

Some of our friends wore their favourite team jerseys for Jersey Day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Social Studies Test tomorrow
Word Work on Thursday

Pizza Party on Thursday for donating 50 boxes of Cereal for the Cereal Drive
Cookie dough orders due Friday

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011


Study for Social Studies Test on Wednesday
Math Worksheet:  Estimating Money
Word Work due Thursday
Wear Black tomorrow for assembly
Jersey Day tomorrow

Study guide for Urban and Rural Unit:
1.  Compare urban and rural communities
2.  Know the difference between goods and services
3.  Explain and give examples of farming, manufacturing and forestry communities
4.  Know the difference between needs and wants
5.  Explain which community you would like to live in and why.

Blogger of the day:  Sehaj

My favourite part of the day was when we did art we got to make a urban community with newspaper.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Social studies:  worksheets due tomorrow, test is on Wednesday
Math p. 246 #2, 6, 8
Book recommendation card due tomorrow
Book orders due tomorrow - cheques only

3A students will be performing a dance to the song "Firework" at this month's Student of the Month Assembly.  If you are available, come out and see them strut their stuff on Tuesday, November 29.  The assembly starts at 10:45 a.m. and our students will be dancing at around 11:05 a.m.

3A, don't forget to wear your hats, gloves and warm coats.  It's getting chilllllllly outttt ttttthere...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Math quiz on Thursday on Time and Calendar (NOT MONEY)
Word work due Thursday
Get change from your house or piggy bank and count it!  See how many ways you can make $2, $5, $10, $20 or even $50

Blogger of the day:  Qamar

today was fun becuse we did are commercaials it was about to be healthy and now we will pick our songs to go with them

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Homework:  Math p. 239 #10
                    Health quiz on the 4 Food Groups:  tomorrow
                    Time and Money quiz - this Thursday
                    Urban and Rural quiz - next Monday November 28
Reminders:  School Council Cookie Orders due November 30
                   Scholastic Book order due November 25 (cheques only please)

Blogger of the day:  Gavin
my favrite part was lteracy on the computers.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Congratulations to our 3A class for collecting 50 boxes of cereal.  We came in second place in the Cereal Drive and will be celebrating with a pizza party.  Students will be informed of the date once I get all the details.  Shazam!

Thank you to all the parents who came out to interviews tonight.  Please feel free to contact me if you have concerns.   A reminder that tomorrow is a P.D. Day and students do not have school.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Allison

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework:  Reader's Response (from yesterday)
                     Science test signed (from last week)
                     Word Work due Thursday
                     Urban/Rural Worksheet
                     Math Clock Cards

Progress Reports were sent home yesterday.  Please return the brown envelopes and the white interview forms.  I am leaving it to the parents to decide if you wish to meet with me.  Please contact the school at 519-969-9748 to book an appointment.  If I feel that an interview is necessary to discuss your child's progress, I will contact you personally.

Thank you,

Mrs. Allison

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Homework:  Show mom and dad report card and set 1 or 2 goals for improvement  
                     Reader's Response:  Do a RETELL for Chapter 15 (DeeDee)
                     Word Work #4 corrections, Word Work #5 due on Thursday
                     Math:  p.236 #1-6

Congratulations to 3A for their generosity!  Today, we sent 18 boxes of toys and gifts through "Operation Christmas Child" to be sent overseas to needy children.  We also collected a total of 50 cereal boxes to donate to a local school in our community.  A big Shazam to our class!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembrance Day - 2011 11 11

Homework:  get Science Test signed

Blogger of the Day:  Julia

Today we had an assembly about Rememberance day. 3A (us) preformed "In Flanders Fields." We had fun singing and acting.Mrs. Alison and Miss Maswaran painted the ghost soldiers' faces white. Yay weekend!!

A note from Mrs. Allison:

3A students did a wonderful job dramatizing and singing "In Flanders Fields" at today's Remembrance Day assembly.  I am very proud of how they lead the school in Remembrance on this very special day.  Below are some pictures from the assembly.  We were honoured to have two distinguished military personnel join us to show the kids the importance of Remembrance Day.  Madame Laurendeau's grandfather - Corporal Simard and Petty Officer Dobson came to share their experiences with our school.  We were all very moved.  These two officers are living reminders of why we must appreciate the country that we live in and remember those who fought for us.  Lest we forget...

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Math test signed
Circle graph pages
S. Studies graph
Word work due tomorrow
Dress rehearsal tomorrow - bring all props and costumes for

IMPORTANT CHANGE:  My apologies for the change in time, but the Remembrance Day Assembly has been moved up to accommodate some guest speakers.  Students will start filing down to the gym at 10:15 a.m. so the assembly should start at around 10:30 a.m. 

Blogger of the day:  Safa

Today was fun because Mrs.R.J was dressed like an alien.It was wierd and strange!!!

Making Pottery

Alice from Cat's Paw Pottery came to help us shape and paint clay today.   The kids will be coming home with some cool candy dishes in few weeks.  Thank you to Mrs. Innes and Mrs. Ferrera for volunteering today!