Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

What a wet and rainy start to the week!  Please remind students to wear raincoats or bring umbrellas just in case they get caught in the rain.  Students are also encouraged to bring shoes or slippers to wear inside.  This will help to keep our classroom clean and dry.  Thank you!

Today's homework:

Math p. 24 #2-7
Students can practise math facts daily and are encouraged to read for at least 15 minutes each night.

Team work is a large focus in grade 3 and our students are starting to work very well with one another.   Students work cooperatively every day to complete tasks and solve problems.  On Friday, we had some fun playing our version of Minute to Winit's "Face the Cookie."  The students had fun working together and cheering on their teammates.

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