Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012


Word work due Thursday

Reminders:  Hawaiian Day on Wednesday
                   Fair Trade Day on April 30
                   Community Tree Planting at the park on May 5

EQAO testing will take place during the last 2 weeks of May, from May 23 - May 31.  It is important that students are present during the testing period and arrive at school promptly.  We have a number of students who are late on a daily basis.  This is disruptive to the class and to the individual's own learning.  Please ensure that your child is at school by the first bell at 8:20 a.m.  Thank you.

3A students have been working on their research projects for quite some time and are very excited to present their findings.  Here is the schedule for the presentations:

Tuesday:  Omar, Andrew, Madison, Sehaj, Dimitri

Wednesday:  Gavin, Amin, Simran, Sahana, Qamar

Thursday:  Reese, Julia, Alexandra, Safa, Katie

Friday:  Ryan, Jimmy, Kaitlyn, Jazlyn, Levi

Blogger of the day:   Jazlyn

today was fun we got are picture taken everbody looked nice

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