Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homework and reminders:

Math test on Place Value - Monday
-review thousands, hundreds, tens, ones
-practice skip counting by 3, 4, 5, 10
-we will do our unit review tomorrow to prepare for the test

Math homework p. 49 #1, 3, 5 6

Literacy - Interviewing Edward

If you could interview Edward Tulane, what would you ask him.  Make up at least 5 interview questions to ask Edward.  Write them down in your reader's response book.

Persuasive Letter - rough copy for those who did not have their letter completed today.

Here is sample letter that we wrote and sent to Mr. Rinaldi-Ross:

4000 Ducharme Street
                                                                                                Windsor, Ontario
                                                                                                N9G OA1

                                                                                                2013 01 30

Dear Mr. Rinaldi-Ross,

            We think that you should let us go to Heritage Village for a field trip.  We have many good reasons to persuade you.  Please let us know if you agree.

            First, we will learn more about Pioneers and how they live.  This will help us learn more about History and how people used to live.   We will also make butter and candles.  We promise that we will take pictures and post them on our blog to show you.  We may even bring something back for you.  Finally, we think that we will understand more about Pioneer life if we see it in person.   We will get better marks in Social Studies which will make our parents happy.

            We hope that you will let us go on this field trip.  This will allow us to get some fresh air and we are really looking forward to getting out of the portable for a day.  


The Best Class in the School – 3 Awesome

P.S.  You’re a great dancer!

Great job with your Flashmob dance 3A!  Check out their performance at today's assembly.

Talbot Trail Flashmob

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 31, 2013

Homework and reminders:

Math p. 43 # 1&3
Rough copy of persuasive letter

Math test on Monday
Winter hat and white shirt for tomorrow's assembly

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Homework:  Math test on place value next Monday, February 4, 2013
                     -students should know their place value (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands)
                     -model numbers (show what they look like) with base ten blocks
                     -ordinal numbers (first, second, third etc..) placement on a hundreds chart
                      ie. find the 20th even number on a hundreds chart

Writer's notebook - finish brainstorming for persuasive letter

Reminder:  Bring a tuque and a white shirt for our Flashmob dance.

Dinner table discussion:  Tell your family what happened to Edward in today's chapter.  How did you feel after reading today's chapter?

Blogger of the day:  Austin
  today im going to shons houes it is going to be fun.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Homework and reminders:

Math p. 26 #1-3

Please bring an inexpensive pair of headphones so you can listen to reading.

Find a "good fit" book on the Tumblebooks website.  Today we visited the website and the kids had a chance to see that they can listen to storybooks, non-fiction, graphic novels and chapter books.  Take a minute and find a book that might be good for you.

Tumblebooks Link

Don't forget to bring boots and snowpants.  Let's cross our fingers for some warmer temperatures so we can go outside and play in the snow!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Mad minute

Dinner table discussion:  Tell your family about Edward Tulane and how he has changed.

Reminder:  Please bring inside shoes.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013


Homework:  Math p. 16 #1-5
NO Wordstudy this week - please make corrections from last week.

Blogger of the day:  Luka

Today we learnd conuting on a number line and we are learning about force and motion in science.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

P.A. Day tomorrow - NO SCHOOL

Blogger of the day:  Michael

Today I played army tag and it was fun . Also we wachted are healthy eating commercials.And we also got ot to go on the computers today was a fun day.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday,, January 16, 2013

Book advertisement due tomorrow
Gym tomorrow - don't forget your gym shoes
No School on Friday - PD DAY

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Math p. 11 #8 &9
Wordstudy due tomorrow

Parents, please read the note that was sent home from the Director of Education regarding Friday.  All schools and transportation are cancelled.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

3A's 2013 Goals

Wonderful goal setting 3A!  Remember that you are kind, smart and important.   With practice and hard work you can achieve your goals!

Monday, January 7, 2013

January News

Welcome back to our 3A families.  I wish you all a very Healthy and Happy New Year!  Here is some news for January.

Congratulations to our students of the month for their "Kindness."  These two girls were leaders in our "Kindness project" and contributed in so many ways!  Check out our "Wall of Kindness."  Each hand represents an act of kindness by one of our 3A classmates.

Wall of Kindness

I would also like to thank the 3A families and students for supporting my daughter Remy's bracelet project.  With the help of the kids in 3A, we sent a $750 cheque to the Windsor Downtown Mission and a $750 cheque to Kisaruni Secondary School in Kenya.  That's over 1500 bracelets sold!  Kids can change the world!


Library:  Students should return books to school each Day 1 in order to check out new books from the school library.

Gym is on Days 1, 5 and 8.  Please ensure that your child has proper running shoes on those days.

Inside shoes:  The classroom floors are wet due to the snowy weather.  Please send inside shoes or slippers with your child.

PD Day:  Friday, January 18 is a Professional Development Day.  Please do not send your child to school.

Math:  Patterning and Place Value

Literacy:  We have started a novel study called The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo.  It is a story about a cold-hearted and proud toy rabbit who loves only himself until he is separated from the little girl who adores him.  He travels across the country, acquiring new owners and listens to their hopes, dreams and histories.  

I feel that the students are ready for many of the themes that we will be exploring.  Your child may wish to discuss some of the themes in the story such as:  love, gratitude and death.  From time to time, I will post some questions to spark the discussions at home.

This month, we will read persuasive texts and students will use them as models to write their own persuasive text.   Watch out, you may get a convincing letter about why you should buy your child a dog!

Science:  In Science, we will start a unit on Force and Motion

Social Studies:  Most of the students have had a chance to share their triaramas and research about their communities.    I have discovered that there is a very HIGH interest  among our students to visit New York City!  

I will continue to blog each week so be sure to check in for updates.  Have a wonderful month!


Mrs. Allison

Monday, January 7, 2013

Homework:  Please look over and sign your child's Geometry test, Social Studies rubric and "I am the Teacher" rubric.

Students should be completing a mad minute daily - in class or at home.

Reminders:  food day orders are due THIS Wednesday

Blogger of the day:  McKenna

Today at recess I played with Dora it was fun .  There was  a lot of snow. We have a new kid named Ethan.  Welcome to 3A Ethan!