Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homework and reminders:

Math test on Place Value - Monday
-review thousands, hundreds, tens, ones
-practice skip counting by 3, 4, 5, 10
-we will do our unit review tomorrow to prepare for the test

Math homework p. 49 #1, 3, 5 6

Literacy - Interviewing Edward

If you could interview Edward Tulane, what would you ask him.  Make up at least 5 interview questions to ask Edward.  Write them down in your reader's response book.

Persuasive Letter - rough copy for those who did not have their letter completed today.

Here is sample letter that we wrote and sent to Mr. Rinaldi-Ross:

4000 Ducharme Street
                                                                                                Windsor, Ontario
                                                                                                N9G OA1

                                                                                                2013 01 30

Dear Mr. Rinaldi-Ross,

            We think that you should let us go to Heritage Village for a field trip.  We have many good reasons to persuade you.  Please let us know if you agree.

            First, we will learn more about Pioneers and how they live.  This will help us learn more about History and how people used to live.   We will also make butter and candles.  We promise that we will take pictures and post them on our blog to show you.  We may even bring something back for you.  Finally, we think that we will understand more about Pioneer life if we see it in person.   We will get better marks in Social Studies which will make our parents happy.

            We hope that you will let us go on this field trip.  This will allow us to get some fresh air and we are really looking forward to getting out of the portable for a day.  


The Best Class in the School – 3 Awesome

P.S.  You’re a great dancer!

Great job with your Flashmob dance 3A!  Check out their performance at today's assembly.

Talbot Trail Flashmob

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