Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Practise skip counting with money
Play time and/or money games

Students will write EQAO tests on the following days:

Tuesday, May 28
Wednesday, May 29
Thursday, May 30

Monday, June 1
Tuesday, June 2
Wednesday, June 3

Please ensure that your children are present on those days and at school by 8:20 a.m.

Extra practise tests and answers can be found at the following link.

EQAO for parents and students

Congratulations to our most enthusiastic dancer.  This lovely young lady danced her heart out during fit week and was chosen as one of the best dancing Blazers!

Our fastest runners and highest jumpers were awarded their track and field ribbons today.  The list of those students moving on to the District track and field meet will be posted tomorrow.  Congratulations to all our 3A athletes!  (Missing in picture:  Oyinda)

Blogger of the day:  Gurvind

Today we had two math periods we did lots of work.

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