Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Word work
Published copy of Harris Burdick
Math quiz and Extra practise signed

Pizza Party tomorrow
Food day orders

Student of the Month and Jersey Day

Congratulations to our students of the month.   The theme was respect and we are so lucky to have such kind and respectful students in 3A.

Some of our friends wore their favourite team jerseys for Jersey Day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Social Studies Test tomorrow
Word Work on Thursday

Pizza Party on Thursday for donating 50 boxes of Cereal for the Cereal Drive
Cookie dough orders due Friday

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011


Study for Social Studies Test on Wednesday
Math Worksheet:  Estimating Money
Word Work due Thursday
Wear Black tomorrow for assembly
Jersey Day tomorrow

Study guide for Urban and Rural Unit:
1.  Compare urban and rural communities
2.  Know the difference between goods and services
3.  Explain and give examples of farming, manufacturing and forestry communities
4.  Know the difference between needs and wants
5.  Explain which community you would like to live in and why.

Blogger of the day:  Sehaj

My favourite part of the day was when we did art we got to make a urban community with newspaper.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Social studies:  worksheets due tomorrow, test is on Wednesday
Math p. 246 #2, 6, 8
Book recommendation card due tomorrow
Book orders due tomorrow - cheques only

3A students will be performing a dance to the song "Firework" at this month's Student of the Month Assembly.  If you are available, come out and see them strut their stuff on Tuesday, November 29.  The assembly starts at 10:45 a.m. and our students will be dancing at around 11:05 a.m.

3A, don't forget to wear your hats, gloves and warm coats.  It's getting chilllllllly outttt ttttthere...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Math quiz on Thursday on Time and Calendar (NOT MONEY)
Word work due Thursday
Get change from your house or piggy bank and count it!  See how many ways you can make $2, $5, $10, $20 or even $50

Blogger of the day:  Qamar

today was fun becuse we did are commercaials it was about to be healthy and now we will pick our songs to go with them

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Homework:  Math p. 239 #10
                    Health quiz on the 4 Food Groups:  tomorrow
                    Time and Money quiz - this Thursday
                    Urban and Rural quiz - next Monday November 28
Reminders:  School Council Cookie Orders due November 30
                   Scholastic Book order due November 25 (cheques only please)

Blogger of the day:  Gavin
my favrite part was lteracy on the computers.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Congratulations to our 3A class for collecting 50 boxes of cereal.  We came in second place in the Cereal Drive and will be celebrating with a pizza party.  Students will be informed of the date once I get all the details.  Shazam!

Thank you to all the parents who came out to interviews tonight.  Please feel free to contact me if you have concerns.   A reminder that tomorrow is a P.D. Day and students do not have school.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Allison

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework:  Reader's Response (from yesterday)
                     Science test signed (from last week)
                     Word Work due Thursday
                     Urban/Rural Worksheet
                     Math Clock Cards

Progress Reports were sent home yesterday.  Please return the brown envelopes and the white interview forms.  I am leaving it to the parents to decide if you wish to meet with me.  Please contact the school at 519-969-9748 to book an appointment.  If I feel that an interview is necessary to discuss your child's progress, I will contact you personally.

Thank you,

Mrs. Allison

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Homework:  Show mom and dad report card and set 1 or 2 goals for improvement  
                     Reader's Response:  Do a RETELL for Chapter 15 (DeeDee)
                     Word Work #4 corrections, Word Work #5 due on Thursday
                     Math:  p.236 #1-6

Congratulations to 3A for their generosity!  Today, we sent 18 boxes of toys and gifts through "Operation Christmas Child" to be sent overseas to needy children.  We also collected a total of 50 cereal boxes to donate to a local school in our community.  A big Shazam to our class!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembrance Day - 2011 11 11

Homework:  get Science Test signed

Blogger of the Day:  Julia

Today we had an assembly about Rememberance day. 3A (us) preformed "In Flanders Fields." We had fun singing and acting.Mrs. Alison and Miss Maswaran painted the ghost soldiers' faces white. Yay weekend!!

A note from Mrs. Allison:

3A students did a wonderful job dramatizing and singing "In Flanders Fields" at today's Remembrance Day assembly.  I am very proud of how they lead the school in Remembrance on this very special day.  Below are some pictures from the assembly.  We were honoured to have two distinguished military personnel join us to show the kids the importance of Remembrance Day.  Madame Laurendeau's grandfather - Corporal Simard and Petty Officer Dobson came to share their experiences with our school.  We were all very moved.  These two officers are living reminders of why we must appreciate the country that we live in and remember those who fought for us.  Lest we forget...

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Math test signed
Circle graph pages
S. Studies graph
Word work due tomorrow
Dress rehearsal tomorrow - bring all props and costumes for

IMPORTANT CHANGE:  My apologies for the change in time, but the Remembrance Day Assembly has been moved up to accommodate some guest speakers.  Students will start filing down to the gym at 10:15 a.m. so the assembly should start at around 10:30 a.m. 

Blogger of the day:  Safa

Today was fun because Mrs.R.J was dressed like an alien.It was wierd and strange!!!

Making Pottery

Alice from Cat's Paw Pottery came to help us shape and paint clay today.   The kids will be coming home with some cool candy dishes in few weeks.  Thank you to Mrs. Innes and Mrs. Ferrera for volunteering today!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Math p. 207 #1, 2, 4
Word Work due Thursday
Food day orders due tomorrow
Social Studies Venn Diagram due tomorrow

Blogger of the day:  Dimitri
Pottery was awsoeme we got to make snowmen I and sahana thought of makeing boots it was so fun I wish I can do it every day!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011


Math p.  222 #1, 2, 3
Urban and Rural Communities Venn Diagram due Wednesday
Character Traits Person
Word work due Thursday

Please make note:  There was an error on the food day order form. The next food day is Tuesday, December 6.

Blogger of the Day:  Kaitlyn
I  like it when  we  had health because we got to learn about the foods that were good and the foods that were bad.

Stanley Cup

  Look what I travelled with this weekend - the Stanley Cup!  How cool!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy weekend everyone!

What a fantastic Friday!  Today was Random Acts of Kindness day and we started the day with many generous donations of cereal. Then, Levi was "caught" doing a good deed when he found and returned Reese's watch.   After, Reese paid it forward by helping Dimitri get his supplies to prepare for the Math test.  Finally, Dimitri and his family paid it forward by sending a delicious platter of Spanikopita for the class to sample.   What a wonderful treat!  Thank you to the Christopoulos family!

1.  What was the main idea of this paragraph?
2.  Would you say my lead was boring or interesting?  Why?

If you have time this weekend, go on the this website and practise singing "In Flander's Fields" for Friday's assembly.

Enjoy time with your families.

Mrs. Allison

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Newslettter

November 3, 2011

Dear Parents and Guardians:

We have had another busy month and I would like to thank 3A families for your participation in so many of our school initiatives and events.  Your participation and generosity mean so much.

1.  Reading and Walking the Trail - Congratulations to Gavin and Levi who won prizes at the fundraiser draw today.  This fundraiser brought in over $8000 to our school and will help to pay for a few "extras" in the classrooms at Talbot Trail. 

2.  Operation Christmas Child - Our class has collected over 7 shoeboxes of donations to send away to kids abroad.   We will also be writing letters to the kids and including them in the shoeboxes.

3.  Cereal Challenge - At the moment, the school is collecting cereal to donate to another local school in the area.  Please do not feel obligated to participate.  It is important that the children learn to give, but it is also important that our Talbot Trail families do not feel over-extended.   To do my share, I will be matching the number of cereal boxes that students bring in.  We also have a can drive coming up closer to Christmas and you may decide as a family that you wish to participate in that instead.  Whatever your choice, we appreciate all your donations and efforts.

Important dates:

Friday, November 4th - Random Act of Kindness Day
Tuesday, November 8th - Cat's Paw Pottery
Friday, November 11 - Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45 a.m.
Monday, November 14 - Progress Reports go home
Thursday, November 17 - Parent/teacher interviews
Friday, November 18 - P.D. Day (No School)
Gym days:  November 10, 11, 17, 25, 28
Library days:  November 14, 29

November Curriculum

Math:  Measurement (perimeter, area, mass, capacity, time and temperature)

Reading:  Demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by identifying important ideas and some supporting details (e.g., restate important ideas and some related details from an informational text; retell a story giving details about specific elements of the text such as setting, characters, and theme)

Writing:  Using Organization and Voice in written texts

Oral:  Participate in a dramatization of "In Flanders Fields" and the Remembrance Day assembly

Media:  Create an advertisement to promote healthy foods, create a commercial to promote healthy eating

Social Studies:  Urban and Rural Communities

Other notes:

Students are reminded to bring their water bottles home and wash them out daily.
Lunches should also be brought home daily.
Cold weather is coming, don't forget to wear your warm weather gear.
Students are welcome to bring comfy slippers or inside shoes to wear.  We will keep dirty shoes and boots by the door.

Finally, thank you for the opportunity to teach your children.   They bring me joy every day and enrich my life in so many ways.  Please take the time to ask your child about school life and what he/she is learning each day.  If you have questions, please write a note in your child's agenda or call the school at 519-969-9748.


Mrs. Amy Allison

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Homework:  Math p. 224 #1, 2, 4 to review for test
                    Math test tomorrow
                    Harris Burdick web in Writer's Notebook
                    Learn in Flanders Fields
Random Act of Kindness Day is tomorrow!  What can you do to brighten someone's day?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homework:  Graphing worksheets
                    Data Management test on Friday
                    Word work due tomorrow
                    Soil end page if you did not finish it yesterday

If you have time, read over the poem, "In Flanders Fields" for our assembly.  Click onto this link, scroll down to the bottom and practise singing the song.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Responsible Students of the Month

Congratulations to our responsible students of the month!  What a fine example they set for the rest of the class by being on task, helping out and always do their best!

Homework:  Data Management Test on Friday (sorting attributes, pictographs, bar graphs, surveys)
                    p. 214 #1 and 2
                    Soil End Page

Blogger of the Day:  Ryan

i liked  literacy this moorning it wus fun we had a galry walk the pictures were a mystery.  The Mystery of Harris Burdick by Chris Van Allsburg.  The pictures were spooky.