Dear Parents and Guardians:
We have had another busy month and I would like to thank 3A families for your participation in so many of our school initiatives and events. Your participation and generosity mean so much.
1. Reading and Walking the Trail - Congratulations to Gavin and Levi who won prizes at the fundraiser draw today. This fundraiser brought in over $8000 to our school and will help to pay for a few "extras" in the classrooms at Talbot Trail.
2. Operation Christmas Child - Our class has collected over 7 shoeboxes of donations to send away to kids abroad. We will also be writing letters to the kids and including them in the shoeboxes.
3. Cereal Challenge - At the moment, the school is collecting cereal to donate to another local school in the area. Please do not feel obligated to participate. It is important that the children learn to give, but it is also important that our Talbot Trail families do not feel over-extended. To do my share, I will be matching the number of cereal boxes that students bring in. We also have a can drive coming up closer to Christmas and you may decide as a family that you wish to participate in that instead. Whatever your choice, we appreciate all your donations and efforts.
Important dates:
Friday, November 4th - Random Act of Kindness Day
Tuesday, November 8th - Cat's Paw Pottery
Friday, November 11 - Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45 a.m.
Monday, November 14 - Progress Reports go home
Thursday, November 17 - Parent/teacher interviews
Friday, November 18 - P.D. Day (No School)
Gym days: November 10, 11, 17, 25, 28
Library days: November 14, 29
November Curriculum
Math: Measurement (perimeter, area, mass, capacity, time and temperature)
Reading: Demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by identifying important ideas and some supporting details (e.g., restate important ideas and some related details from an informational text; retell a story giving details about specific elements of the text such as setting, characters, and theme)
Writing: Using Organization and Voice in written texts
Oral: Participate in a dramatization of "In Flanders Fields" and the Remembrance Day assembly
Media: Create an advertisement to promote healthy foods, create a commercial to promote healthy eating
Social Studies: Urban and Rural Communities
Other notes:
Students are reminded to bring their water bottles home and wash them out daily.
Lunches should also be brought home daily.
Cold weather is coming, don't forget to wear your warm weather gear.
Students are welcome to bring comfy slippers or inside shoes to wear. We will keep dirty shoes and boots by the door.
Finally, thank you for the opportunity to teach your children. They bring me joy every day and enrich my life in so many ways. Please take the time to ask your child about school life and what he/she is learning each day. If you have questions, please write a note in your child's agenda or call the school at 519-969-9748.
Mrs. Amy Allison
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