Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy weekend everyone!

What a fantastic Friday!  Today was Random Acts of Kindness day and we started the day with many generous donations of cereal. Then, Levi was "caught" doing a good deed when he found and returned Reese's watch.   After, Reese paid it forward by helping Dimitri get his supplies to prepare for the Math test.  Finally, Dimitri and his family paid it forward by sending a delicious platter of Spanikopita for the class to sample.   What a wonderful treat!  Thank you to the Christopoulos family!

1.  What was the main idea of this paragraph?
2.  Would you say my lead was boring or interesting?  Why?

If you have time this weekend, go on the this website and practise singing "In Flander's Fields" for Friday's assembly.

Enjoy time with your families.

Mrs. Allison

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