Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

This is our last entry of 2012!  Happy Holidays everyone!  Please be safe and I look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, January 7, 2013 for some new learning. 

Take care and have fun!

Mrs. Allison

Blogger of the day:  Aidan

     Today it was p.j day and we worked on our triaramas.  My triarama is about Syndey Australia. And  I put chief port and the oprea house. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thank you so much to all 3A parents for sending in delicious goodies for our potluck today!   The students had a feast.   Patricia's quote was, "The best part of my day was trying something new!"

A reminder to students that tomorrow is the last of day school before Winter Break.  We will be having a holiday sing-a-long in the gym with the whole school.  It is once again pajama day for those who would like to participate.

Any students who did not get to present their "I am The Teacher" speeches may present tomorrow.

Thank you and have a wonderful night!

Mrs. Allison

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Homework and reminders:

"I am The Teacher" presentations tomorrow - any students who did not get a chance to present today will present tomorrow

Wordstudy due tomorrow

Potluck Luncheon Tomorrow

I hope everyone will return to school healthy tomorrow!  We have missed many of our 3A friends due to illness.  Take good care everyone!

Mrs. Allison

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Important Information - Please read

Hello 3A:

Unfortunately, I am unable to come to school on Monday.  By now, you should have all received a phone message from the Board of Education about the school closure on Tuesday.  Please do not come to school - it will be closed.  Below is the new schedule for the  "I am the Teacher" presentations next week.

Wednesday:  Kevin, Patricia, Austin, Karman, Denzel

Wednesday:  Maja, Michael, Natasah, Steve, Noah

Thursday:  Luka, Chelsea, Divjot, Dora, Gurvind

Thursday:  Shengbuo, McKenna, Aidan, Katelyn, Oyinda

See you soon.

Mrs. Allison

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13

Homework and Reminders:

Show Parents Potluck note
Decide on a community you would like to research
Practise "I am a Teacher" speech

Schedule for "I am a Teacher" speeches:

Monday:  Kevin, Patricia, Austin, Karman, Denzel

Tuesday:  Maja, Michael, Natasah, Steve, Noah

Wednesday:  Luka, Chelsea, Divjot, Dora, Gurvind

Thursday:  Shengbuo, McKenna, Aidan, Katelyn, Oyinda

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Congratulations to 3A for their wonderful performance at our holiday concert today!  I had a big smile on my face after listening to their beautiful singing.  Just fabulous!

Here is this week's iMovie by Luka, Oyinda and Natasha.  Well done!

Luka, Oyinda and Natasha's video


Geometry Test tomorrow

Word Study due tomorrow
I am the Teacher Projects to be presented next week

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Homework and reminders:

Show What You Know p. 138 #5-10
Math test Thursday
Holiday concert tomorrow
Can Drive

Blogger of the day:  Austin

Today we had a rehearsal.Math was fun today! Math pg 139 numbers 5 to 10. The technology grop today was Luka,Oyinda and Natasha.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Homework and Reminders:

Math review:  p. 138 #1-4
Wordstudy due Thursday
Social Studies Bar Graph
Rough notes for I am the Teacher Project:  presentations start on Friday

Blogger of the day:  Gurvind

this what we did today we did math,s.studiesand literauy we leraned shapes,solds,prism,pyramid

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December News

December Curriculum


Reading:  Students are extending their understanding by connecting ideas to their own knowledge and experience and to the world around them.  Students are reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts about kindness.  Ask your child about our class "Kindness Project" and the helping hands that are posted around our classroom.  3A's goal is to do some good deeds every day until our classroom is full of "helping hands."  So far, I am delighted and moved by the wonderful good deeds 3A students have accomplished.  Great job making connections to your reading and taking action 3A!

3A's First Good Deed - Cleaning our School Yard!

Students should be reading daily each night.  Books are available from our school library and our classroom library.  I also encourage the kids to read a variety of genres such as magazines, comics and newspapers.  Parents might consider ordering a subscription to Sports Illustrated for Kids, National Geographic for Kids or Time for Kids as a Christmas gift for your child.  It is important that the kids are exposed to fiction and non-fiction texts.

I am the Teacher Project:  An outline has been sent home for your child's first oral presentation.  This is not a research presentation.  The goal of this project is to develop effective oral communication skills by allowing the first presentation of the year to be on a topic which each student feels confident about.

Writing:  Our focus this month will be paragraph writing and writing friendly letters.

Technology:  Students are taking turns listening to reading on the computer each day.  If possible, please send a pair of inexpensive ear phones that your child can use during "Listening to Reading" time.  Students are also taking turns creating digital stories on my iPad.  Be sure to check in each week to see what our young "directors" are creating.

Aidan, McKenna and Katelyn's Video

Health/Media Literacy:  Students will continue to learn about the Canada Food Guide and Healthy eating.  They will also start working on their Healthy Eating commercials.

Math:  We will continue with our unit on Geometry and will have a test near the end of next week.  Students will focus on:  right, acute and obtuse angles
                                      sorting 2-D shapes by sides and angles
                                      sorting 3-D shapes by edges, vertices and faces
We will then start a brief "Place Value" unit until Christmas Holidays.

Social Studies:  We are nearing the end of our unit on Communities.  In lieu of a test, students will be researching a city of their choice.  They will learn how to use a variety of data bases to research and read information.  Students will also create a diorama of their chosen city.  All work will be completed at school under my guidance so I can assess each student's progress.

Students of the month:

Congratulations to our very responsible students of the month for October!

Congratulations to our very respectful students of the month for November!

Holiday concert:  This year's concert is on Wednesday, December 12 from 11:00 - 12:00.  Please note that there will only be a daytime performance this year.  If you are able to, please come and hear your child sing.

Potluck and Holiday celebration:  The students have expressed an interest in having a potluck luncheon before the Winter Break.  I would like to have the luncheon on Thursday, December 20th.  I will send a note home closer to the date and you can indicate if you would like to send a dish for your child to share.  I still can't believe we are almost at Winter Break!

As always, please write in the agenda or contact me at the school if you have any questions or concerns about your child's education.  I will do my best to help.

Thanks and take care!

Mrs. A. Allison


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Math worksheet:  Sorting Solids
Social Studies:  Worksheet:  Where do you want to live?
Wordstudy due tomorrow

Dinner table discussion:  Retell the text we read today about Craig Kielburger.

Who ...?
What ...?
When ...?
Where ...?

Blogger of the day:  Divjot

I had fun doing math because I like math.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Homework and reminders:

Wordstudy due Thursday
Math p. 118 #3 and 4 (Congruent Figures)

Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 from 11:00 to 12:00
*please note there will only be a DAYTIME performance this year

Blogger of the day:  Aidan

Today we made good deed hands and i played basketball at recess!!!

Dinner table discussion:  What does congruent mean?  What is the difference between a right, acute and obtuse angle?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Library tomorrow - please bring your books for book exchange with Mrs. Lawler

Math worksheet:  Sorting Figures

Wordstudy due tomorrow

Pizza Party tomorrow:  Pizza, juice and cupcakes will be provided to celebrate 3A's success in the Cereal Drive.

Cookie Dough Orders due December 5th

Digital Storytelling:

This week's technology group created this video for your viewing pleasure.   We may have some Steven Spielburg's among us!  Great job Michael, Denzel and Kevin!

The 9-Year-Old Spy

Blogger of the day:  Divjot

I had fun doing social studies because I  learned about communites.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Wordstudy due Thursday
Headphones for Daily 5 time

Blogger of the day:  McKenna

Today we had gym it was fun. We got to play on the i pad.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Homework and reminders:

Math:  Describing Angles worksheet

Math Assessments
Your child will be coming home with some Math assessments today.  Please review the quizzes and test, sign them and return them to school so I can file them in your child's portfolio.   Thank you.

Food day orders due Wednesday
Poinsettia orders still accepted

Technology in the Classroom

Students will be creating a variety of media texts this year on the laptops and iPads.  Check out the short trailer that Dora, Divjot and Chelsea created with very little help from Mrs. Allison.  They took the pictures and organized the story on my iPad.  This project took them about 30 minutes.  I can't wait to see what the students can do with more practise time on the iPad!

The Quest by Dora, Divjot and Chelsea

Blogger of the day: Steve

I went to the music room and learned a song.I played basketball outside.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

A big Shazam goes out to the students and families of 3A for your kindness and generosity.  Our class won the cereal challenge by donating many, many boxes of cereal to feed kids in our community.  3A will be rewarded with a pizza lunch next week.  Great job!

Our school-wide focus this year is Math - specifically problem solving.   Yesterday, we had a visit from Math Coach, Mrs. Longmuir.  The students enjoyed solving one another's problems and explaining their thinking.  Throughout this year, we will be learning and practising how to explain our thinking with a variety of problem solving strategies.  Students should continue to practise their basic addition, subtraction and multiplication facts daily.   We do use calculators and manipulatives to solve math problems but a good knowledge of basic math facts will also be beneficial.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Math:  Extra Practice #1
Social Studies Collage
Food Day orders due Wednesday
Poinsettia orders

Blogger of the day:  Noah

Today we had a special guest Mrs . Longmuir.  She helped us with our Math.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012


Procedural paragraph in writer's notebooks:  "How to play _____________"

Dinner table task:  Use the success criteria for writing a procedural text and explain to your family how to get ready for school.  Don't forget your transition words (first, next, then, after, finally).

Word study will be assigned tomorrow.  Students will have some class time to work on this week's word study.

Don't forget to bring in your order forms for the poinsetta fundraiser!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fighting Island

This past week, I had the opportunity to visit Fighting Island for teacher training.   Our grade 3 class will be going to Fighting Island in the spring.  Here is an overview of this exciting learning opportunity and some pictures of my day there.

Fighting Island is located near LaSalle.  The GECDSB in partnership with BASF Chemical Company is provided learning opportunities for students in an outdoor classroom setting.  Students will be taking a school bus to LaSalle where they will get on a Ferry for a 5 minute ride over to Fighting Island.   A personal flotation device (life jacket) will be provided and each child MUST wear a device on the ferry.  More specific information will be sent home in the spring about dates, times etc..

While students are on Fighting Island, they will be participating in a variety of Science Investigations including:  bug and insect collection, seed and plant collection and soil collection and testing.  The day is designed around the grade 3 Science Curriculum and more specifically around the needs and interest of OUR grade 3 class.

Here are some pictures from my recent visit.

Collecting bug and insect samples at the pond.

The view of LaSalle from Fighting Island

Investigating Deer Tracks

View from Fighting Island

DBO (Distiller Blow Off) at the bottom of a canal on Fighting Island.  DBO is term applied to unusable by-products left over from the manufacturing of soda ash.  DBO is a grayish-white, fine-grained solid that looks and feels like plaster.  When it is wet, it has the consistency of toothpaste.  For more information about Fighting Island on this Youtube:

Hey little crayfish...

Through a microscope...

Dragonfly Nymph

My learning partners - Mr. Quaglia and Mr. Dougall

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Math:  Interpreting Circle Graphs #3-6
          Math test on Thursday:  Interpreting data, bar graphs, pictographs, circle graphs

Wordstudy due tomorrow

Please send report card envelopes back to school

Bring in old magazines for Social Studies

Monday, November 12, 2012

November News

Hello 3A Families!

Now that we are back online, I am able to send out the news for the month.  My apologies for the delay.  Please continue to check the blog for daily updates.

Congratulations to 3A for their moving depiction of scenes of War and Peace at this year's Remembrance Day Assembly.  I was unable to video tape during the assembly but have some footage of the students presenting in the classroom.  Enjoy!

Here are some updates for you:

1.  Book orders are due this Wednesday.  There are some students who have books on back order.  They should be arriving shortly.

2.  Progress reports and parent-teacher interviews:  Progress reports were sent home today.  Please call the school at 519-969-9748 if you wish to discuss your child's progress.  Interviews will be held on this Thursday evening and Friday morning.  Friday is a PD day - students should not come to school.

Please note that the progress report is designed to show the student's achievement of the learning skills and work habits during the initial weeks of the school year.  This report is not an evaluation of your child's achievement.  Rather, the purpose is to the give students and parents early feedback regarding general progress during the first eight weeks of the school year.  Your child's progress at this time does not imply achievement level at Term I report cards.  For example, if your child is progress at "very well" it does not necessarily mean they will achieve an "A" at Term I reports.  

Curriculum News:

Math:  We will be finishing up our unit on Data Management.  I hope to have a test this Thursday and then move on to Geometry.  Students will be identifying and sorting 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes.

Literacy:  Students will continue to read a variety of texts.  They read texts of their choice during "Daily  5" time and respond in their Reader's Response books so I can check their comprehension.  This month we will focus on reading and writing procedural texts where students explain "How To" do something. Students will also be presenting orally and explaining to their classmates how to do something.

Health and Media Literacy:  We will focus on Healthy Eating and the benefits of healthy eating.  Students will dissect commercials and advertisements relating to food and food products.  They will create their own commercial to advertise a food product of their choice.

Social Studies:  We will continue with our unit or Urban and Rural Communities.  By the end of this unit, students will know the characteristics of their community (ie. manufacturers, landmarks etc..).  Students will also be able to identify the type of community they wish to live in and give reasons why.

Team building:  We work hard in 3A and it is also important that we take the time to celebrate our hard work and build social skills.  Many of our 3A friends are working on using kinder words and a kinder  tone when we communicate with one another.  Check out our team building challenges from last week.