Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Homework and reminders:

Math:  Describing Angles worksheet

Math Assessments
Your child will be coming home with some Math assessments today.  Please review the quizzes and test, sign them and return them to school so I can file them in your child's portfolio.   Thank you.

Food day orders due Wednesday
Poinsettia orders still accepted

Technology in the Classroom

Students will be creating a variety of media texts this year on the laptops and iPads.  Check out the short trailer that Dora, Divjot and Chelsea created with very little help from Mrs. Allison.  They took the pictures and organized the story on my iPad.  This project took them about 30 minutes.  I can't wait to see what the students can do with more practise time on the iPad!

The Quest by Dora, Divjot and Chelsea

Blogger of the day: Steve

I went to the music room and learned a song.I played basketball outside.

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