Monday, November 12, 2012

November News

Hello 3A Families!

Now that we are back online, I am able to send out the news for the month.  My apologies for the delay.  Please continue to check the blog for daily updates.

Congratulations to 3A for their moving depiction of scenes of War and Peace at this year's Remembrance Day Assembly.  I was unable to video tape during the assembly but have some footage of the students presenting in the classroom.  Enjoy!

Here are some updates for you:

1.  Book orders are due this Wednesday.  There are some students who have books on back order.  They should be arriving shortly.

2.  Progress reports and parent-teacher interviews:  Progress reports were sent home today.  Please call the school at 519-969-9748 if you wish to discuss your child's progress.  Interviews will be held on this Thursday evening and Friday morning.  Friday is a PD day - students should not come to school.

Please note that the progress report is designed to show the student's achievement of the learning skills and work habits during the initial weeks of the school year.  This report is not an evaluation of your child's achievement.  Rather, the purpose is to the give students and parents early feedback regarding general progress during the first eight weeks of the school year.  Your child's progress at this time does not imply achievement level at Term I report cards.  For example, if your child is progress at "very well" it does not necessarily mean they will achieve an "A" at Term I reports.  

Curriculum News:

Math:  We will be finishing up our unit on Data Management.  I hope to have a test this Thursday and then move on to Geometry.  Students will be identifying and sorting 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes.

Literacy:  Students will continue to read a variety of texts.  They read texts of their choice during "Daily  5" time and respond in their Reader's Response books so I can check their comprehension.  This month we will focus on reading and writing procedural texts where students explain "How To" do something. Students will also be presenting orally and explaining to their classmates how to do something.

Health and Media Literacy:  We will focus on Healthy Eating and the benefits of healthy eating.  Students will dissect commercials and advertisements relating to food and food products.  They will create their own commercial to advertise a food product of their choice.

Social Studies:  We will continue with our unit or Urban and Rural Communities.  By the end of this unit, students will know the characteristics of their community (ie. manufacturers, landmarks etc..).  Students will also be able to identify the type of community they wish to live in and give reasons why.

Team building:  We work hard in 3A and it is also important that we take the time to celebrate our hard work and build social skills.  Many of our 3A friends are working on using kinder words and a kinder  tone when we communicate with one another.  Check out our team building challenges from last week.

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