Thursday, January 12, 2012

January News

Happy New Year to all the 3A students and families!   The students came back refreshed and ready to learn.  Here are some goals that they would like to share with you for 2012.

January Curriculum

Math:  We will be finishing up our Number Sense Unit on Addition and Subtraction.  The unit test will be on Wednesday, January 18.  We will then move on to Geometry.

Literacy:  We have started a novel study called The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo.  It is a story about a cold-hearted and proud toy rabbit who loves only himself until he is separated from the little girl who adores him.  He travels across the country, acquiring new owners and listens to their hopes, dreams and histories.  

I feel that the students are ready for many of the themes that we will be exploring.  Your child may wish to discuss some of the themes in the story such as:  love, gratitude and death.  From time to time, I will post some questions to spark the discussions at home.

This month, we will read persuasive texts and students will use them as models to write their own persuasive text.   Watch out, you may get a convincing letter about why you should buy your child a dog!

Science:  In Science, we will continue with our unit on Force and Motion

Reminders:  Friday, January 20 is a Professional Development Day.  Please do not send your child to school.

I will continue to blog each week so be sure to check in for updates.  Have a wonderful month!


Mrs. Allison

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