Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homework:  Bitstrips comic to introduce yourself - due Monday

Today's Guest:  Mike Neuts

Today, we had a guest speaker named Mike Neuts speak to us about bullying.  Mike Neuts is the father of a young boy named Myles who died a few years ago due to a bullying incident.   The children were very touched and saddened by his story.  They have been given a chance to discuss and write about the information that he shared today, but some students may wish to discuss it further at home. 

Parents, we have this saying on our white board and the kids read it every day.  Take some time to remind your child:  "You are smart.  You are kind.  You are important."

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy time with your families!

Mrs. Allison


Skipping workshop registration and money due Tuesday, January 24
Crazy Hat and Hair day - Thursday, January 26
Forms for Spitfire tickets due Friday, January 27

The cold weather is here.  Please send your child with the following items each day:  boots, snowpants, hats and gloves for outside.  Running shoes or slippers for inside.

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