Sunday, May 13, 2012

May News

Happy Spring everyone!  I apologize that the May News is a bit late this month but hopefully you have been keeping up with the daily blogs for important reminders and announcements.

Congratulations to our April Student of the Month.  We are lucky to have such a DILIGENT classmate who models excellence.

Curriculum Expectations:

Literacy:  The students presented their non-fiction research projects and were very proud of the research skills that they learned during this process.  I discovered that after exposure to a variety of non-fiction texts, the students felt more confident to use non-fiction texts to find information.  After spending a significant amount of time researching, evaluating and recording their facts, most students were able to easily transfer their information from their jot notes to write a first draft.  Many of the students now feel that they will be ready when it is time to research, write and present their speeches in grade 4.  Way to go 3Awesome!

We will continue to read a variety of texts this month.  The students have been working hard on their practice tests to prepare for the EQAO tests later this month.  We have been and will continue to focus on reading narratives, poems and non-fiction texts.  Students have been practising answering open response questions (short answer) and multiple choice questions.  These are the types of questions that they will see on the EQAO.   Please note that testing will take place from May 23- May 31.  If possible, please ensure that students are present and at school on time.

Media Literacy:  Our school will be participating in "Turn off the Screen Week" next week and 3A is organizing this event.  Our class will be making daily announcements and showing a commercial to the school each day to promote kids to turn off TV's and computers and get outside.  I will post all commercials on the blog so you can view them.  Please note that the commercials are downloaded to YouTube due to the size of the files.  They are not public videos and I will remove them after one week.  When the public does general searches on YouTube, our class videos do not come up.  As with our blog, I never include names of the kids with their pictures.

Math:  We just finished a quick Probability unit and will be moving on to Fractions.  Many 3A students still do not know their math facts.  Students should be reviewing daily.

Social Studies:  Our Pioneers Unit has been post-poned until June.  We will be visiting Heritage Village   and Transportation Museum at the end of June and I think the students will be able to make some wonderful connections to their unit of study.

Science:  We are taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather and studying plants this month.  Thanks to the students who have been bringing in all sorts of seeds and leaves for us to inspect.

Art:  We will be making collages next week.  Please send in any old magazines that you do not need.

Track and Field:  Track and field will take place this Thursday. May 17.  This is the first year for our grade 3 students and they have all signed up for at least 3 events.   A note was sent home with the schedule of events if you wish to come and cheer your child on.   Mr. Bulat is also looking for parent volunteers.  Please contact the school or send me a note if you are available.

Have a wonderful month and enjoy the weather!


Mrs. Allison

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