Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

EQAO Testing
Students wrote their first EQAO language test today and things went smoothly.  We have done many practice tests and the students have a variety of test taking strategies to rely on.  I have and will be reminding students to answer the questions to the best of their ability.   There is no need to stress out or get upset if they are confused or unsure.  We will also be enjoying some activities outside each day to help students release any tension they may have.  We had a great time playing basketball and skipping today!
Testing will continue tomorrow.  We will then take a break and resume next Tuesday.

Blogger of the day:  Madison

Today we wrote are EQAO test and Mrs.Allison said that we did good for our first time. And we got an free gym period. and we got to eat cookies .And in gym we got to race , skip and we got to play basctball.

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