Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012


Field Trip to Heritage Village tomorrow
-please dress for the weather
-don't forget a water bottle, your lunch and sunscreen

Pioneer Presentations on Friday, June 22
-all groups will present on Friday morning

End of year Potluck Lunch on Friday, June 22
-students are invited to bring in a dish to share with the class
-students are welcome to dress in pioneer clothing (bonnets or scarves, long dresses for girls, rolled up jeans, white shirts, suspenders for boys)

Talbot Trail Yearbook DVD
-we had a chance to preview the school yearbook DVD today as a whole school
-3A is well represented throughout the video as there are many wonderful pictures and video clips of our class
-the DVD's will be sold on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at second nutrition break for $10.00
-only 150 copies of the DVD were burned so it will be first come, first served

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