Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homework:  Finish black and white pictures for "Introducing Me" video
                     Show and tell:  bring some thing you are proud of from grade 2

Reminders:  green computer forms
                    food orders due Friday

Newsletter:  Your child should be coming home with a class newsletter.  Future newsletters will be posted electronically on the blog.  Please let me know if you require a paper copy.

Here are some vocabulary words from today's lessons.  Take a moment to ask your child about what he/she learned today:  increase, decrease, doubles, soil

Enjoy the sunshine!

Blogger of the day:  Gurvind

I had a fun day.  I played with my friends at recess.   I learned about sums today.  I liked Science when we were digging through the different types of dirt.

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