Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to our 3A Families!  Please remember your Halloween Safety Rules:

1.  Dress warmly.

2.  Have mom and dad check your candy first.

3.  Check for cars before you cross the street.

4.  Trick or treat with your parents or a group of friends.  Don't go out alone!

Click this link for some Halloween fun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dear 3A Families:


Pottery Money $6
Food Day orders due tomorrow
Bring a newspaper for tomorrow's art lesson


Wordstudy:  finish it tonight so you can go trick or treating tomorrow!
Math Worksheet:  Examining graphs

Halloween Treats:  If you are planning on sending in Halloween Treats, please make sure they are peanut free as we have several students with nut allergies.  Thank you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Black and orange day next Tuesday
Food day orders due Wednesday

Listen to reading:  Students are welcome to bring in their own pair of inexpensive head phones to use during "Listen to reading" time.  Try this website to listen to reading at home.

Dinner table discussion:  Would you prefer to live in an urban, suburban or rural community?

Blogger of the day:  Aidan

Today we did art with warm colours and it was so fun!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Homework:  Math worksheet:  Sorting Using 2 Attributes
                    Wordstudy due Thursday

Reminders:  Gym tomorrow, please wear proper shoes
                   Food day orders due next Wednesday

Teaching Citizenship

This past summer my daughter and I travelled to Africa to help build a school.  We have been trying to find a way to share our experience in Africa and this is a project she came up with to motivate other kids. 

Please click on this link to learn more about Remy's bracelet project

Remy's Bracelet Project

Students in all classes have had chance to view Remy's video and 3A is partnering with Remy to sell the bracelets here at Talbot Trail.  Our class has had some wonderful discussions about what it means to help others and be a good citizen in the community.  3A students will be in charge of advertising (in print and on the announcements), selling and counting money.  I know this will be a rewarding experience for the students as they do their share to show that kids can change the world!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012


We will be indentifying different types of media texts and their purposes.  If students have magazines, DVD's and/or computer games to bring for our discussion, it would be helpful. We will not need the actual movies or video games, just the cases.  Thank you!


Choose one of the following:  math facts, read to self, writer's notebook or write a story on Storybird.

Click here for the Storybird link.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Storybird link

The students had an opportunity to navigate the Storybird website and write some digital stories.  Students can click the link below to continue creating stories.  Remember your user name that Mrs. Allison gave you today (ie. talbot1, talbot2 etc...).  Have fun creating stories!

Click here for the Storybird link

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Science End Pages
Math worksheet:  Estimating Sums and Differences
Word Study due tomorrow
Library tomorrow - please bring your book back to school for book exchange

Blogger of the Day:  Divjot

I liked math because it was fun and we got to do a work sheet i liked it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homework:  Writer's Notebook
                      Picture Money
                      Word Study due Thursday

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Agenda:  Review Science
              Word Study due Thursday
              Picture money due Wednesday

Blogger of the day:  Noah

I liked the math test. It was nice.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 11, 2012


Math Test on Monday:  students should use the "Show What You Know" review on p.98 of their math textbooks to prepare for the test.  We have completed and taken up all the questions except for #14 and #15.  We will focus on those 2 questions on Monday - before the test.

Gym class is on Monday.  Please have proper running shoes.

Students are also encouraged to continue practising their 3-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping.  I am noticing many errors with questions such as:  500- 187 = ?

Science Test on Tuesday:  all students are encouraged to use their study guide to help prepare for Tuesday's test on Soil.  Some tips:

1.  Students can read the questions on the study guide and highlight the answers in their notes.
2.  Have a parent or older sibling ask questions to help review.
3.  Research vocabulary words on the computer to learn more about soil (clay, loam, sand, soil, erosion, humus, organic, inorganic, topsoil, fungi, bacteria)

Any students who need extra review are invited to stay at second nutrition break with Mrs. Allison.  I wish you and your families a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Allison

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Math review p. 98 #1-8

Please note that test dates have been changed.  We need one more day to review each subject area.

Math test on MONDAY
Science test on TUESDAY

Blogger of the day:  Shengbuo

Do you  want to eat hummus or humus?  Discuss the difference at the dinner table.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homework:  Word Study due Thursday
                    Math p. 89 #2, 3, 4, 5

Reminders:  Math test on Friday, October 12
                   (patterns in addition and subtraction, related facts, addition and subtraction strategies, adding and
                    subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers)

                   Science Test on Properties of Soil, Tuesday, October 16
                   (identify different properties and uses of clay, loam and sand, difference between organic and
                    inorganic, erosion)

Blogger of the day:  Dora

I got to go to Frankenmooth.  I got to eat fudge and chocolate.  It was very yummy.

October News

October Curriculum

Reading:  Nonfiction texts and text features
                 Responding to texts orally and in Reading Response Journals
Writing:  Brainstorming ideas, writing paragraphs with main ideas, organizing information

Oral:  Focusing on fluency and reading orally to a partner

Media literacy:  creating digital stories online

Math:  Finish Patterns in Subtraction and Addition, Start Data Management, review multiplication and division facts

Science: Finish Mud and Dirt unit

Social Studies:  Urban and Rural Communities

Home Connections

Most of the “Homework” given is usually work that has not been completed during class.  Here are some ideas for students who wish to have extra practise:

-read with your child and ask him/her to show you how we “Read to Someone” during Daily 5 time at school
-students can brainstorm and write in their writer’s notebooks
-students can respond to reading in their Reading Response Journals
-practise counting money on this website Counting Money
-practise math facts using flashcards
-go on this website to print out mad minute sheets, students can
practise with or without a timer
Math Facts
-go to Teach Kids Newsand read the news, discuss topics at the dinner table

3A Gives Thanks

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your families.  On Friday, 3A students learned a lesson about gratitude with a literacy and art lesson.  Students learned about warm and cool colours and used adjectives to describe a variety of fruits and vegetables.  After sketching the fruits and vegetables, students then created a painting - with their mouths.

In our discussion that followed, students shared how difficult it was to not use their arms.  The students related their experience to heroes like Terry Fox and Spencer West who kept going to achieve their goals even though they were disabled.  Although it was a difficult task, many students said, "I am not giving up!"  By the end, all the students showed an appreciation for their good health and especially use of their arms!

Students then did some writing in the role of a hungry girl or boy who was looking through a window at the fruits and vegetables.   Students then shared their writing with a choral reading.

Finally we gave thanks and enjoyed some pumpkin pie.  Watch this video to see what 3A students are thankful for.

3A Gives Thanks

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homework and reminders:

Bring in a fruit or vegetable for tomorrow's art class
We are painting tomorrow so please do not wear your best clothes
Finish paragraph about "The Perfect School"
Math:  p. 85 #3, 4 and 5

Congratulations to Karman and her family!

Blogger of the day:  Karman

On september 19 in my family a baby was born.  It was a boy i was so happy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homework and reminders:

Bring a fruit or vegetable for Friday
Wordstudy due tomorrow

Brush your teeth!!!  We played an elimination game today and we discovered that one third of the students in our class did not brush their teeth before leaving the house this morning!!!

Dinner table discussion:  Would you rather be a fun guy or a fungi?

Blogger of the day:  Luka

I like it when we had library and i got a library book called terry fox.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Student of the Month Assembly

Please click on the following links to see the fantastic performance by 3A at the Student of the Month Assembly.  Mrs. Reimer-Jones and the kids have been busy practising and you will see that their hard work has paid off.  Well done class!


 I am Canadian

A big congratulations to our September students of the Month for "Getting off to a Great Start."  Keep up the good work!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012


Wordstudy due Thursday
Math p. 72 #6, 7, 8

Blogger of the Day:  Austin

I got student of the month.  We did an act as Olympic pepol. It was fun.