Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October News

October Curriculum

Reading:  Nonfiction texts and text features
                 Responding to texts orally and in Reading Response Journals
Writing:  Brainstorming ideas, writing paragraphs with main ideas, organizing information

Oral:  Focusing on fluency and reading orally to a partner

Media literacy:  creating digital stories online

Math:  Finish Patterns in Subtraction and Addition, Start Data Management, review multiplication and division facts

Science: Finish Mud and Dirt unit

Social Studies:  Urban and Rural Communities

Home Connections

Most of the “Homework” given is usually work that has not been completed during class.  Here are some ideas for students who wish to have extra practise:

-read with your child and ask him/her to show you how we “Read to Someone” during Daily 5 time at school
-students can brainstorm and write in their writer’s notebooks
-students can respond to reading in their Reading Response Journals
-practise counting money on this website Counting Money
-practise math facts using flashcards
-go on this website to print out mad minute sheets, students can
practise with or without a timer
Math Facts
-go to Teach Kids Newsand read the news, discuss topics at the dinner table

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