Tuesday, October 9, 2012

3A Gives Thanks

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your families.  On Friday, 3A students learned a lesson about gratitude with a literacy and art lesson.  Students learned about warm and cool colours and used adjectives to describe a variety of fruits and vegetables.  After sketching the fruits and vegetables, students then created a painting - with their mouths.

In our discussion that followed, students shared how difficult it was to not use their arms.  The students related their experience to heroes like Terry Fox and Spencer West who kept going to achieve their goals even though they were disabled.  Although it was a difficult task, many students said, "I am not giving up!"  By the end, all the students showed an appreciation for their good health and especially use of their arms!

Students then did some writing in the role of a hungry girl or boy who was looking through a window at the fruits and vegetables.   Students then shared their writing with a choral reading.

Finally we gave thanks and enjoyed some pumpkin pie.  Watch this video to see what 3A students are thankful for.

3A Gives Thanks

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