Happy Spring to 3A students and families! Our students continue to strive to show good character. The following students are commended for displaying these traits. Way to go 3Awesome!
January - Self Discipline - Ethan and Maja
February: Kindness - Divjot and Noah
March: Fairness - Shengbuo
We have 2 field trips coming up in April and May. Please mark your calendars:
Thursday, April 25 - Fighting Island
Friday, May, 17 - Heritage Village in Kingsville
I will be sending a permission form home for Fighting Island next week. Please indicate on the permission forms if you are able to volunteer.
Food day orders due: April 10th
Hiatus House: The Social Justice Club is collecting personal grooming supplies to donate to Hiatus House. Hiatus House is a shelter for abused women and children in Windsor. If you have new items that you would like to donate, please send them to school. They are accepting donations next week. Thank you for supporting our community.
Curriculum News:
Math: Our new unit is Motion Geometry. We will:
-work with maps and grids
-explore slides, turns, and flips
-explore lines of symmetry
Social Studies: Maps and Globes
Literacy: We will read a variety of texts about the environment and Earth Day (non-fiction, short stories and poetry). Students will also be preparing for EQAO testing by completing practice tests. We will focus on how to answer multiple choice questions and open response questions. After reading a text, students have been asked to answer questions by following these guidelines:
1. Restate the question.
2. Find at least 2 pieces of evidence from the text to help answer the question.
3. Add my own ideas, opinion or schema (back ground knowledge).
Studies show that students learn best when they assess themselves. In class, they are often shown the different levels of work in order to compare to their own. I am pleased that many of our 3A students are getting better at assessing their work with honesty and more importantly that are starting to know what they need to do to bump up their work.
Students will start to write narratives with a beginning, middle, end, setting and characters.
Health - Bicycle Safety
I look forward to an exciting month of learning! Take care!
Mrs. Allison
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