Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March News

Hello 3A Families!

February was a short but busy month!

This month, we celebrated the theme of "Caring." Congratulations to our 3A stars this month for showing us what it means to be a kind and loyal friend.

Curriculum Updates:


The students did a great job with their first Science Projects. I was very pleased to see the students apply their knowledge and creativity to their toys. Some moments were frustrating and our toys had to be re-created or tweaked, but I believe that our little Scientists need to learn the importance of experimenting. Thank you to all the parents for helping the students collect the materials and allowing your child to use his/her own ideas to create independently.

Social Studies: We will be moving on to Social Studies in March. Our new topic is Map and Globe skills. Students will have an opportunity to design their own island as final project.

Literacy: We are nearing the end of our Edward Tulane novel. The bookclub discussions have been extremely insightful and the children continue to make connections to the characters' experiences. They have also been using the author's clues and their own "schema" or background experiences to make inferences while they read. I have been so impressed by the feelings and ideas that the students are sharing with the class. Our continued goal is transfer these ideas into their reading responses in written form.

I look forward to hearing the "I am a teacher projects" that students will be presenting this week. I am sure we will learn many things as we have experts in so many areas!
The students will continue visiting a variety of data bases to research a topic for their next oral presentation. The goal is to have the students read various non-fiction texts on-line to find information that is suitable for their age group. The internet is a very useful research tool and it is important that students learn to use it appropriately. Students will be researching, writing and presenting a topic that they have researched. The presentation will be from 2-4 minutes in length. A rubric and outline will be sent home for your perusal.

Math: Multiplication and Division
Students should continue to review math facts daily.

EQAO: EQAO is a standardized test that students in grades 3 and 6 write at the end of the year. We have started to do some practise testing to prepare the students. As we complete the practise tests, I will send them home for your perusal. You can also visit the EQAO website for more information.

Reminder: March Break is from March 12-16

It was a pleasure to meet with many of you during parent teacher interviews. Please do not hesitate to contact me or write in the agenda if you have any concerns.


Mrs. Allison

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