Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Homework and reminders:

Math homework:  p. 366 #1-4 (Show what you know to review for test), Name Art
Math test on Measurement on Monday:  cm, m, km, perimeter, area

Science test next Thursday:  muscular force, gravitational force, magnetic force, friction

Science project:  The students were given their project rubrics and outline for their "Build a Toy" project.  Their only homework is to brainstorm ideas and collect materials to build their toy.  All other planning and building will be done at school.  Please ask your child for the project outline for more details. 

Food day orders:  order forms were sent home today.  Due date:  Wednesday, March 6, 2013.

Library books:  Mrs. Lawler would like all overdue library books returned ASAP.

Dinner table discussion:  Tell your family what happened to Edward today.  What do you really think happened to him?  How do you feel about the book so far?

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